Find all the information you need about Neon's plans and how to manage your monthly bill.
Neon plans and pricing
Start with an overview of Neon's pricing plans to learn what's included, then use our pricing estimation guide to estimate your monthly bill. Plus a sample project showing how to select the right pricing plan in a model scenario.
Learn about Neon's pricing plans and what's included
Pricing estimation guide
Estimate your monthly bill with Neon
Sample project billing
See how to select the right pricing plan for a sample project
Understand how billing works
Find out how billing works and learn more about Neon's usage metrics.
Extra usage
Learn about plan allowances and how extra usage works
Usage metrics
Take a deep dive into the usage metrics behind plan allowances and extra usage
Manage billing
Find information about invoices, payment methods, changing your plan, monitoring billing and usage, and how you can pay for Neon with your AWS account.
Manage billing
View and manage your monthly bill and learn how to change your plan
Monitor billing and usage
Learn how to monitor billing and usage metrics in Neon
AWS Marketplace
Find out how you can pay for Neon with your AWS Billing account
Azure Marketplace
Neon as an Azure Native Service with billing through Azure Marketplace